

March 01, 2024

Temporary work is certainly no longer seen as an emergency solution for those who can't find a permanent job. Today, a growing number of highly talented white-collar workers prefer temporary work to permanent employment. Here's why! 

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Temporary work is certainly no longer seen as an emergency solution for those who can't find a permanent job. Today, a growing number of highly talented white-collar workers prefer temporary work to permanent employment. Here's why!


1. More freedom and flexibility

Especially highly talented white-collar workers value the extra freedom, excitement, and flexibility that temporary work offers compared to permanent positions. For example, they may choose to work only a certain part of the year, which is only possible with temp work.


The temp worker is in the driver's seat. Do you want to work a lot? Then you'll get plenty of work. Do you want to combine studies with a job? No problem! Do you need a break? Go ahead! As a temp a new challenge always awaits you!


2. You build expertise faster

Employees who work in several companies for a limited period fill their backpacks with varied knowledge and skills every time. They gain experience in different environments and thus build their expertise. Seasoned temporary workers often possess knowledge and skills that permanent employees have not yet mastered.


Moreover, temps are aware that their time is limited, and their work must have an immediate impact. They are prepared to settle in quickly and do as much as possible in the time they have. A range of interim assignments is good for both your hard and soft skills.


3. You discover what suits you faster

If you’re not sure which job suits you best or if you like a taste of something different, temporary work helps you on your voyage of discovery. It gives you the time to get to know yourself, better assess your own needs and abilities, and find out which job suits you best.


4. You build your network faster

As a temp, you get to know a lot of different people within several companies. Your professional network grows much faster than if you were in a permanent job. There is a good chance that you will continue to benefit from this network for the rest of your career: many self-employed people started as temporary workers and were able to use the network they built up.


5. Revenue completion for the self-employed

A lot of people today start their own business as self-employed, but they like to combine it with temporary work to ensure their income. As a temp, you may have a fixed-term contract, but you are still entitled to vacation pay, pension, an end-of-year bonus, and child benefits. That comes in handy as a starting, part-time self-employed person!


6. A wider choice of jobs

In times like these – think pandemics, economic downturns, and ambiguous economic futures – employers are also much more likely to see the benefits of temporary work. It could be advantageous for organizations to opt for a temporary workforce due to the flexibility factor. And that, of course, results in broader and often more exciting job offers for temp workers.


7. The rise of specialized temping agencies

Highly talented white-collar candidate temp workers can walk into more specialized staffing agencies than ever. Are you an expert in the fields of HR, IT, finance and banking, law, engineering, or healthcare? Then you will be welcomed with open arms in a specialized temp agency! Temps nowadays can fill many mission-critical roles.