
Let’s change lives in Malawi!

December 11, 2023

If you’re here, it means you’re either super excited about the prospect of going to Malawi with Habitat for Humanity, or excited-but-a-little-bit-hesitant, too. And that’s fine.

Let's change lives in Malawi_V2

If you’re here, it means you’re either super excited about the prospect of going to Malawi with Habitat for Humanity, or excited-but-a-little-bit-hesitant, too. And that’s fine. Below you’ll find everything you need to know about this project. Let’s build a house with the House!

First, the facts
We’re selecting 20 Happy Rebels for a 9-day trip to Malawi, Africa. Under the safe wings of nonprofit organization Habitat for Humanity, a team of volunteers will help build a house for a local community. Yes, you’ll do your fair share of hauling, hammering, and heaving. We guarantee it’ll be rewarding. And lots of fun!

Because changing lives is in our DNA, we get involved in projects that feed off the energy of our Happy Rebels, who get a great deal out of giving back to society. It’s called a win-win.

You’ll be on the ground in Malawi from 12 to 18 May 2024. You’ll leave on the 11th and return home on the 19th. We’ll announce who the lucky participants are on 29 February.

By airplane, of course! (Take the bike if you want, but then you’re on your own!) We’ll book and pay for your tickets.

Malawi, East Africa. More specific: you’ll be helping the people out in Kabadula, a village near Malawi’s capital Lilongwe.

How to apply
We’re not sending 20 Happy Rebels to Malawi simply because they think, well, ‘yes, Malawi!’. It’s not a contest. We want to make sure you have the right motivation and are up to the task. So, we added a challenge. But we know how much you, Happy Rebels, love a challenge!

Here’s what to do: send your application email to before 12 February 2024, with the following info:

  1.   The story behind the five songs that represent your journey to becoming a Habitat Hero.
    Pick five songs that – for instance – make you daydream about the African skies. Or choose bangers that fire you up to do some serious building. Then, tell us why you chose ‘em. Write it down, make a video, anything goes. Just be your Happy Rebel-style self. Don’t forget to add your songs to our Road to Malawi playlist on Spotify.

    But … why?
    Because it’s a fun way to think about this project! Besides, we want your colleagues, friends and family to share in the excitement. And who doesn’t love a good playlist?  You’ll need a soundtrack to accompany you on that fourteen-hour flight to Lilongwe Airport anyway. 
  2.   A fundraising plan.
    Traveling to Malawi and staying for a week isn’t cheap – it totals around € 5000. At House of HR, we are wholeheartedly committed to making a truly positive, sustainable impact on the world, so we’ll pay for half of your trip – consider it an investment in our talented workforce. For the other half, you’ll have to set up a fundraiser, crowdfunding, or whatever you want.

    But … why?
    It’s about so much more than the money. It’s about getting everyone on board for your journey. Yes, you’ll get your hands dirty in Malawi, but spreading the word and rallying as many people is equally important.

    But … how?
    There are a million ways to raise money for a good cause. Like selling homemade cakes, cookies, or soup. You can sell tickets to your movie night at the office. Ask people to sponsor your running, hiking, or yoga sessions or whatever you do in your free time. And please, don’t be shy. Explain why you’re enthusiastic about this project – when people see you really mean it, they’ll be happy to contribute.

    Need more inspiration? Check out Habitat for Humanity’s Fundraiser Handbook 
  3.   Bonus: are you interested in being our reporter on the ground?
    If taking photos or creating videos is your thing, let us know.

    But … why?
    Because, well, “pics, or it didn’t happen”, right?!
    It’s not a must. Just a serious plus.
    If you don’t know how to handle a professional camera, don’t worry, we’d still love for you to apply. We don’t need a large pic and vid squad, just a few rebels who can shoot some images for posterity and social media and the likes. That’s all. 

Has the above got you all excited? Great, then email your application to before 12 February 2024. Yay!

Let’s change lives in Malawi!

The Road to Malawi project in a nutshell? Check out our video!


Do you have other questions? Here are some of the answers!

What is Habitat for Humanity, and what do they do?

They’re a nonprofit housing organization that helps low-income people around the world get access to decent housing. Want to know more about their mission and way of working? Check their website here. You may find answers to specific answers in their FAQ.

In which language do I need to apply? 

Preferably in English, but if you’re more comfortable in your mother tongue, then go ahead. Zikomo! (That’s ‘thank you’ in Chichewa, the most popular native language in Malawi.) 

What does the €5000 exactly cover? It seems like a lot for just one week.

The breakdown is as follows: €2500 for donation towards the investments needed to construct the village, approximately €1000 for the flight ticket, and around €1500 for accommodation expenses, including meals, insurance, and guidance during the stay in Malawi.

What if I can’t raise the money?

Raising the full contribution of €2,500 is a challenge with a big capital C, we know that. Therefore, we want to emphasize that we appreciate whatever amount you can contribute. We want everyone to be able to participate in this amazing experience, so if you’re having trouble raising the remaining amount, please reach out to us! Together, we’ll explore solutions, such as providing information on possible sources of financing, organizing fundraising events within the company, or brainstorming other creative ideas that could help. So, don’t throw in the towel just yet, but contact us if you have any further questions, and we’ll try to make it work! 

Do I get the whole week off from work to go to Malawi?

Let’s meet halfway 😊 You take two and a half days off (don’t forget to book them!). The other half is on us.

Do I need an international passport for this trip?

Yes. If you don’t have a valid passport lying around, apply for one in your local municipality. Don’t forget to do this well in advance, as it can take up to 14 business days. As soon as your seat to Malawi is confirmed, better get started! You’ll have to pay for it yourself, by the way.

Do I need an extra visa?

Yes. As soon as your seat to Malawi is confirmed, you can apply for an online visa through the Malawi e-Visa System website, House of HR will pay you back later.

Do I need vaccinations to enter Malawi?

You better not be afraid of needles, because yes! Here’s the list.


  • Recommended vaccinations
    • DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis): before departure day

    • Hepatitis A: minimum 2 weeks before departure

    • Malaria: minimum 3 weeks before departure

    • Typhoid: minimum 2 weeks before departure 


  • Optional vaccinations

    • Cholera: minimum 6 weeks before departure

    • Yellow fever: minimum 10 days before departure

    • Rabies: minimum 2 weeks before departure

    • MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella): minimum 4 weeks before departure

    • TB (tuberculosis): minimum 8 weeks before departure 

And yes, we’ll pay for them, too. 

What about insurance?

House of HR covers your travel insurance and occupational accident insurance.

Construction work is fun, but it can also be dangerous. What about safety precautions on-site?

Habitat for Humanity takes the safety of its volunteers seriously. They’ve been doing this for a long time. Read all about their safety measures and policies on this page.

Want to know what happened last time we went to Malawi with Habitat for Humanity? Seeing is believing, so check out this short video! 
