
A message to our soon-to-be-elected politicians

June 05, 2024

Belgian citizens will vote in European, national, and regional elections next weekend. Here’s our call to the coming politicians-elect to be inspired by House of HR’s insights, solutions, and entrepreneurial spirit!

Elections v3

In 2024, people in more than fifty countries will cast their votes in national and other elections, including in countries where House of HR is active. As we find speaking up important, we want to present politicians running for upcoming European elections with an election memorandum – or rather, a call to be inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit that has made House of HR the largest and most passionate talent PowerHouse in Europe.  


Our motto:   

We’re short of hands, but solutions are abundant and up for grabs. So, make it work and get on with it!  


What’s the problem?   

Fortunately, unemployment rates are low in our region. Still, entrepreneurs no longer find the people to keep their businesses and organizations running smoothly. We are short of hands—en masse in every industry. The list of bottleneck occupations in Belgium has been endless for years, but it keeps growing: there are 241 now. By 2025, the Belgian labor force will shrink by 12,500 people. These are no mere numbers but a ticking time bomb under both entrepreneurship and our prosperity. The realization causes frustration and resentment, especially since many solutions are up for grabs.   


So can’t we just bend over and pick ‘em up?   

We already do, day by day, as entrepreneurs and talent agencies. But our solutions often run into practical objections, especially to laws or the lack thereof.   


So, what do we want politicians to do about it?   

That they work at it. Instead of clinging to ideological preferences, they should look open-mindedly at the solutions we present to them. Then, put them into practice with the same vigor that brought us to the top of our sector.   



We at House of HR ask, boldly and freely, to make work more flexible and embrace diversity.  


Kindly elaborate on that. 

With pleasure!  


One: people want to use their talents and contribute to society, but preferably in a way that suits their lives. Unfortunately, the government does not always make it easy for them. Not everyone wants to work five days out of five with one employer all their life. Some people prefer to go through life as freelancers; others prefer to be outsourced, and others want project-based or temporary work. As a talent hub, we support all these ways of working because they make it easier for us to meet the needs of entrepreneurs. In healthcare, specifically, facilitating flexibility makes a huge difference. Each form has advantages and limitations and deserves a unique approach. Don’t lump them all together, but take them in hand. We will all benefit—flexibility rules.  


Two: keep everyone who keeps your ship afloat on board as much as possible and recruit new sailors as needed. Because diversity rules, too. We can use the current pool of labor much better. For example, we can more easily guide young people to jobs, regardless of their education. We can also better support long-term sick people and incentivize and train the long-term unemployed. But we shouldn’t be too quick to write off older workers either. They offer stability, wisdom, and a unique perspective that only years on the counter can give you. But how do you avoid employers retiring them early or driving them out the door? Why on earth would you throw tons of experience overboard? (You shouldn’t.) 


Finally, attract workers from abroad. Not indiscriminately, nor blindly – obviously. Just forget about the ideological sensitivity and the current societal sentiment for a second and let it sink in: labor migration is a crucial step if we want to continue to innovate and maintain our economic resilience. We, as employers, will actively cooperate – you may count on us to ensure that the people who end up here can work in the best conditions and that the treasury will benefit. We are fully aware that part of the general public will frown upon the concept of labor migration, but we are simply looking at the numbers: it will ensure that we can systematically eliminate the shortages in care, for example. Agreed, it will also require an effort from our people on the shop floor and the occasional change in mentality. But the benefits are immense: diverse teams achieve better results. Diversity also offers enormous wealth to us as human beings. 


As you can see, solutions are abundant and ready to implement. That’s why we ask that you please take them seriously, make them work, and get on with it. Together, let’s shatter those bottlenecks.