
Talent acquisition trends: how to attract, hire & retain?

June 26, 2024

Talent acquisition has never been easy. And this will be no different in the future. For your inspiration, we already summed up a few trends for 2025! 

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Talent acquisition has never been easy. And this will be no different in the future. For your inspiration, we already summed up a few trends for 2025!

1. More skills, less pedigree 

When you opt for skills-based hiring, you evaluate candidates for their abilities and potential skills rather than focus on traditional evaluation criteria such as previous work experiences and education. It’s no new premise, but it is gaining momentum due to labor shortages and the new opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Especially for early-in-career talent, AI is expected to unlock companies’ abilities for skills-based hiring (see further).

In 2023, employers already used more skills-based assessments, while fewer required resumes as part of the job application. This shift away from resumes is driven by a focus on the candidate experience, the rise of mobile-first approaches and the recognition that resumes often emphasize pedigree over skills. No wonder employers already reduce degree requirements while job postings increasingly mention technical and soft skills. Especially when attracting a more diverse and inclusive workforce, skills-based hiring is the way to go.

2. AI says hi 

How will generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) change talent acquisition? Today, a significant portion of HR technology investment already goes to AI-based recruiting tools, including candidate relationship management systems, applicant tracking systems, job advertising, and onboarding solutions. GenAI is expected to help generate job descriptions, identify passive candidates, contact candidates via chatbots, suggest interview questions, assess candidates, make job posting recommendations, and so on.

Recruiters recognize GenAI’s great potential, but they are also worried about the accuracy of the results, for example, and about losing the human touch in an industry that works first and foremost with people. And yes, HR professionals expect that GenAI could eliminate some jobs in some industries. On the other hand, though, many expect AI to improve productivity within their teams, address areas of workforce shortage, and positively impact the overall employee experience. In any case, generative AI will certainly drive organizational change, affect workflows, automate some jobs and create new ones. Yet, it will always be humans, augmented by machines, that will drive innovation.

3. Dive into your internal talent pool 

Talent retention has been a focus for years and remains a top priority for 2025. One way to nurture and retain employees is through career development and internal mobility. Offer your talents the prospect of growth opportunities and career advancement within your organization. You won’t be the only one, as many employers are shifting from building external talent pools to internal ones.

Employees have expressed that they value career development from their employer to help them get promoted or to learn new skills and explore new areas. Careers do not always follow a linear path but cross departments and disciplines, providing employees with variety and rewarding work. Therefore, recruiters shouldn’t simply focus on filling specific positions, but look at the value a candidate can bring to the organization.

4. Hire ’em young 

Nowadays, recruiters need to cast their nets wider. Employers even want to recruit candidates while they are still in school. Finances play a role in this. Entry-level candidates receive lower salaries than their more qualified peers. And the wider the talent pool, the easier organizations can meet their DEI goals.

However, organizations will need to properly mentor their young employees. They expect more inclusion, balance, and compassion. It is up to employers to support their people – not just the young ones but everyone. These times call for more empathy, emotional intelligence, and attention to mental health at work than ever before.