
Without any doubt, one of the most prominent examples of House of HR’s social responsibility is JobRoad. This international non-profit organization is helping people to re-integrate on the labor market and – hence – into society.  

Deeply convinced by the fact that work is the ultimate way to re-integrate vulnerable people in society, JobRoad is a European network organization for people holding a significant distance towards the labor market. The non-profit organization has a double goal: to combat the acute shortage of workers, and the promotion of integration through work.  

JobRoad started in 2016 in Belgium and has since then been steering people from vulnerable groups towards suitable employers to obtain valuable jobs. Through its highly personalized approach, JobRoad breaks through barriers such as language, mobility and competency as they all obstruct the access to work.  

JobRoad is networking between four partners: employers and their partnering agencies, authorities and intermediary organizations. They all work together to fill vacancies with untapped talent. 

JobRoad’s social impact is huge, needless to say. It gives stability through work, boosting confidence and self-esteem, it offers income and helps vulnerable people take their lives back in their own hands. (visit