HR Business Partner - HR Data & Controlling

Since 1994, we have specialized in bringing companies together with freelance IT and engineering experts - quickly, precisely and securely. They are sought-after specialists and are looking for projects that will advance their expertise. Their expertise offers companies a particularly important resource: know-how, an independent perspective on projects and experience. This not only bridges bottlenecks, but also creates real competitive advantages.
You're probably asking yourself: What is my role in this? You form the interface between demand and supply. Both sides want to find the best: companies want the best experts, experts want the best project.
What brings both together is a good match: that is our specialty. And it is created through your commitment. You will be dealing with the best companies in the world - from up-and-coming start-ups to medium-sized global market leaders to DAX corporations. You will form a partnership on equal terms for each customer project, with an employer with an excellent reputation behind you.
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